Rock Fish Soup 720 ml
Descriptif : Our rockfish soup is one of the most concentrated on the market, comprised of 52% fish!
A blend of fish, vegetables and high-quality olive oil, it is the epitome of Mediterranean cuisine in the Séte region.
Steeped in tradition and artisanal preparation, our rockfish soup is a true joy for the senses.
ModeEmploi : Serves: 5 TO 6
Pour the contents of the jar into a saucepan accompanied by an additional jar of water and bring to a boil.
Serve in a soup tureen with our garlic croutons topped with our Sétoise Rouille, fresh eggs and grated cheese.
GenCode : 3288371110079
Volume : 720 ml
Poids : 630 g
Date limite de consommation : 900 jours